Get two copies with free shipping! Save $5!
Only $29.90!
One for you, one for a friend or a gift.
If you want to know what you can and
cannot do with guns in Texas, this is the book to own. Since
1995 we have been publishing the guide Texans go to for all
the details on the state's gun laws. Open Carry update for 2016 is included!
You get a copy of all the gun laws word-for-word,
but more important, everything is described in plain English.
The descriptions are cross-referenced to the laws in the back of the book. Updates on
our website are free.
The authors take the mystery out
of the Texas "License To Carry Law," the NICS background
check, the self-defense laws, buying, keeping and using guns,
and they turn the legal mumbo jumbo into clear familiar English.
Find out the who, what, when, where, why and how of firearms
purchase, ownership, carry and use in Texas.
"It doesn't make sense to own a
gun and not know the rules."
NEW: Castle Doctrine, Stand Your Ground, Freedom To Carry in Vehicles, Premises, Motor Homes, Frivilous Lawsuit Protection, Complete LTC Details, School Marshals, much more!
Only $14.95
Get two copies with free shipping! Save $5!
Only $29.90!
One for you, one for a friend or a gift.
Get a copy of After You Shoot, a $14.95 value, with your Texas book
for only $25 complete for both books! (+S&H)
State Senator Jerry
co-wrote the first Texas Concealed Handgun law. He says this book is The Texas Gun Owner's Guide is:
"Comprehensive and
bridges the gap between the complex laws and
every day life
of special value to residents who are applying for their
concealed handgun license... your book is excellent."
Dr. James T. "Doc" Brown
the Legislative Director of the Texas State Rifle Association
called this book:
"Just exactly what we need...
a superb piece of work."
Answers questions on buying, owning,
carrying, using guns
The plain-English language makes everything easy
Actually fun to read, pick one up and youll
If you knew all your rights you might demand them
Why guess, dont take chances, and dont
be sorry later
Partial list of contents: Word-for-word copy of
every Texas gun lawnot just the penal code
Plain-English descriptions The deadly force and self-defense
laws Texas weapons laws Prohibited Places
list Penalties for offenses Who can bear arms
and who cant, including rules for youngsters and gun-free
school zones The old-time traveling
rules with summaries from more than 60 cases The Motorist Protection Act • Parking Lot Law • All the No-Guns-Allowed Signs explained • The federal
firearms transportation guarantee, Brady Law, NICS Instant
Check and the other federal laws affecting private gun ownership
Whos exempt from gun laws Firearm requirements
for hunters Buying and selling firearms in or out
of Texas, including Class III and NFA weapons Judgmental
shooting Gun safety Keeping kids safe
Crime and punishment chart Key legal concepts illustrated
Statewide contacts list Much more!
Wholesale orders are welcome
minimum order is only 1 dozen!
Open an account, or one-time cash sales are fine
Makes a great gift! Perfect or LTC trainers.
Alan Korwin
and Georgene Lockwood are the authors of The Texas Gun
Owner's Guide -- Eighth Edition
Bloomfield Press (Phoenix) $14.95
ISBN: 978-1-889632-38-4 288 pp., illus., softcover
The Texas Gun Owner's Guide
Only $14.95
Cheaper than a lawyer.
The Texas Gun Owner's Guide AND
After Your Shoot, $14.95 each, BUT
get them both together for only $25 --
are good companions to The Texas Gun Owner's Guide: