This book is really the result of all the help I received, great
and small, from the good people who shared their thoughts and resources
with me. Thank you.
Landis Aden, Legislative Liaison,
Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association
Terry Allison, President,
Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association
Ben Avery, Arizona Republic columnist,
Co-author of Arizona’s gun laws
Mark Barnett, Community Relations Officer, Scottsdale Police
Bob Cecil, Protection and Compliance Manager,
Arizona State Land Department
Bob Corbin, Attorney General, State of Arizona
Nelson E. Ford, Owner, The Gunsmith, Inc.
Howard Gillmore, Assistant Director/Field Services,
Parks and Recreation
Lt. Colonel Michael Haran, Staff Judge Advocate,
Arizona Army National Guard
Wayne J. Higgins, Criminal Investigator,
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Phoenix
Don Jansen, Director, Arizona Legislative Council
Mark Jecker, Public Information Officer,
Arizona Game and Fish Department
Wes Keys, Information Coordinator,
Arizona Game and Fish Department
Tony Machukay, Executive Director,
Arizona Commission on Indian Affairs
Marty Mandall, Owner, Mandall Shooting Supplies, Inc.
Jordan Meschkow, Registered Patent Attorney
Richard B. Oxford, Director, Contract and Records Division, Arizona
State Land Department
Mary Peterson, NRA Representative
Ron Peterson, Inspector,
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Phoenix Branch
Ruth Peterson, Secretary to the Forest Supervisor,
U.S. Forestry Service
Bob Reyes, Park Operations Specialist, National Park Service
Robert J. Spillman, Attorney at Law
Paul Stearns, Police Officer, Scottsdale Police Department
Deborah Stevens, Public Affairs Specialist,
Bureau of Land Management
Russell Vanden Wolf, Inspector,
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Phoenix Branch
Ken Wagner, Chief of Operations Section, Arizona State Parks
Pete Weinel, Assistant Recreation/Wilderness Staff,
U.S. Forest Service
This list would be incomplete without the friends who have been supportive,
informative, and whose time and thoughts made a real difference: Harvey
and Eileen Barish, Linda Brott, Steve Cascone, Crosby!, Candice DeBarr,
Adam Mohney, Gregg Myers, Bill Plummer, Curt Prickett, Dan and Mary
Sharayko, Pete Slater, Mary Westheimer and Howard White.
The National Rifle Association Institute allowed the use of material
in their pamphlet, “Your State Firearms Laws.”
For the first edition of this book, March 1989:
Illustrations by Gregg Myers
Book design by Ralph Richardson
Edited by Howard White
Proofread by Candice DeBarr
Typesetting by Mesa Graphics, Inc.
Digital disk transfers by Code Busters
For the re-plated eleventh edition of this book, June 1994:
Document scans and OCR by Directional Data, Inc.
Proofread by Toni Joyce
Typesetting, editing and updated design by the author
Legislative and update assistance by Landis Aden,
Michael P. Anthony, John Gilbert, Gwen Henson, Jim Norton, Edward
J. Owen, Ted Parod and Richard Twitchell
Revised and Expanded 18th Edition, Sept. 1997
New editions are released periodically (24th edition as of Oct. 2009)
The 25th edition, last one with a blue cover, and state flag, 2012, with inserts to 2014
Overhauled BROWN Leatherette Edition in 2015
The people who have contributed to this book since it first appeared
in 1989 are too numerous to mention.
You know who you are. Thank you.